Thursday, September 2, 2010

I always thought I have to go Thailand just to eat them!

Haha. I have been missing Thai food ever since I left Phuket. The images of our last dinner just keep surfacing, but I haven't really found the chance to go ThaiExpress (haha, my favourite place!). I had a pleasant surprise when my brother called and told me that Rainie is going to cook for us. And, I get to place my order! Hohohoho.

No idea why but the first thing that came to my mind was Phat Thai. Oh, it's a must eat at Thailand anyway. Beautifully done, isn't it?

Phat Thai
To be fair, the one we had at Phuket was way nicer. But, this was not too bad either! Just that it was one of the first dish cooked. Thus, it got a little dry after being exposed to the air for too long. But it made me happy enough. Hehs.

Mummy asked for mango salad, another must eat over at Thailand!

Mango Salad
Woo. It's so spicy but we cannot stop eating it. Yum yum. Haha. My mama just learned how to cook from her. Hahaha. But, less spicy pleaseeeee.....

And then she cooked the stir fried pork with basil leaves. It was the first dish we actually had in Phuket because we were that hungry and the place was just outside our hotel. Hahahaha! Yums. I thought hers was better, but a spicier version. Hahaha!

Stir fried pork with basil leaves.
And then, the legendary seafood tom yum soup.

Seafood tom yum.
Erm. It look as spicy as it taste. LOL. Or rather, it tasted as spicy as it looked. I was never a great fan of tom yum soup anyway. But, I'm still attracted by the spiciness ALL THE TIME! ARGH! Is it possible to have the same taste, without the spiciness??!! Haha.

She just felt like drinking this soup. Haha.

I thought this was the end of the Sunday dinner. Who knows, I had another pleasant surprise on Monday! Hohohoho! The super super super super super nice thai steam fish. Gosh. The soup was so well done. The fish is so pretty. Haha. It really tasted the same as the one we had the last dinner! YUM YUM! I would have finished everything if I did not have to leave for the family. Haha.

Steam fish.
And to top it off, I asked for pineapple rice today. Haha.

Pineapple rice
Look so pretty right? I was so surprised at how pretty it look. Well, considering the fact that I'm eating at HOME. Haha. The pineapple was really sweet! I like. Erm, mama added a little too much water for the rice though. But I still think it was pretty nicely flavored and I haven't ate so much rice since so long ago! Hahaha. I love the taste that the leaves gives. Hehs. I fell in love with it after tasting it for the first time in Taiwan. You must understand that I am someone who don't like vegetables once upon a time. I must be growing old eh? Haha.

I really really want to learn how to cook all these stuffs from her sia. Haha. The man is going to be so proud of me! And, he will probably stop asking me to eat out! Haha. He have not satisfy my emotional need of wanting to cook for him. LOL! He always tell me it's cheaper to eat out. Hahaha! I have loads of chance to learn it in near future. Ha!

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