Sunday, September 19, 2010

Papaya Milk

Hahaha. It have been myth to boost your bust line. But seriously, does it realllly? No, I don't feel so. Lol.

My first encounter with papaya milk was at Taiwan (the 7-11 version). Back then, I still have the 'turn-off' thoughts because I generally do not like the taste of milk. But boy, the first taste changed my perception of milk, or rather papaya milk immediately.

I tried it out of coercing by the man. You should have seen the facial expression change. Haha. It turned from 'Argh, I'm doing it for you. This is so scary.' to 'A! This is nice!'. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Missed it a lot after I came back to Singapore. BOY! I'm so so so so so happy when I saw this when I was shopping at Cold Storage one day!

It was 3 for $3, so it is $1 per packet, which is $1 for 250 mL of papaya milk. Hmmm. A little expensive, I would say. Well, if you compare it to the ones we got it from Taiwan!! Haha. It's the same brand! Just that the packaging is a little different.

Love the texture. It's a little thicker than the normal milk you will find. And I love the union of papaya and milk. The sugar level was okay for me (considering that I don't really like sweet stuffs). The smell was nice. And the man love it. Haha. What's more, I am imagining that the bust line myth is real. LOL!

Give it a try!

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