Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Komala's Restaurants

Yesterday I was talking about the Nasi Bryani, today I shall talk about the vegetarian Indian next to the stall! Hehs.

I had thoughts of trying because I love the Indian food from Biopolis (it's oh-so-nice and it's a please-try-it kinda thing). Plus, this stall has a lot of people too. So, why not? Haha.

BUT! I cannot try a lot of stuffs because we have limited space in the stomach. So, I only bought the garlic nann bread which was one of my favorite from Biopolis. I was pretty shock when I was asked for $5 for the nann bread because I had not remembered my super nice nann bread from Biopolis costing this much.

Hmmm. It turns out that it is $5 for a reason. Look! There's curry (my favourite aloo gobi or how you spell it)! I love the cauliflower with the curry. Yum yum. BUT BUT BUT! I went 'yum yum' was because I was thinking of the one from Biopolis. The ones they gave was a little bit too spicy for my liking. And I felt that the curry was not thick enough. The flavor was not exactly there. I would not say that it's not really nice. Just that, it was not enough to make me want to give it a second try.

The nann bread should be the main character ba. Urm, I felt that it was not too well done (but the man felt that it was good). It could be because my expectations were a little high for the nann bread. It still taste good with the curries of course.

Close up of the nann bread.
Well, I can only say, try the one from Biopolis instead. It's the best Indian place in Singapore! I'm not the only one saying it. We are so dead serious about it. Haha. You do know that we should not waste calories over bad/not too good/can be improved food right?

Oh by the way, in case you are wondering what is Nann bread, it is actually something like roti prata, in Singaporean's layman terms. Hehs. However, it is thicker and it is nicer and. The nann bread is baked in a tandoor or clay oven. At the end of it, it can be served plain, or spread with different things like garlic or butter. Urm, people usually eat it with different fillings/curries I think. Pardon me if I had said anything wrong because Indian cuisine is not my forte. Haha. I love it so much because of the Indian place at Biopolis. Hahaha!

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