Sunday, September 12, 2010

Teck Kee Buns

Apparently, this shop had been around for very very long because my parents were like "A! Teck Kee buns!" when we were around there. Haha. So, they went to buy some buns while I was waiting to pay for the photos.

(I apologize for the super lousy photos. My camera needs to enter ICU already. =( )

I find this really cute leh. Haha.
It's quite interesting right? I mean, how many shops actually have their brand on the paper? And, isn't that logo super cute? Haha. Never expect something terribly nice from a skinny chef. Hahaha. I can see that the bun is going to pretty delicious. LOL!

Char siew bao
The char siew bun was the first one I tasted. Piping hot from the shop. Wah! It took my heart away immediately. Hehs. I've always been a fan of char siew buns and I personally love the skin much much more than I love the meat. LOL! But I think both the skin and the meat tasted equally nice! The meat was not too sweet and not too 'not sweet'. There's substance in the meat! And oh, the skin. It took my heart away. Haha. Right texture, right hardness. I have no idea why but I can taste the minute difference in the hardness/softness of bread/buns. Lol. It cannot be too soft and of course it cannot be too hard. This skin passed my criteria of the right softness. Hehs. YUMS!

Red bean paste bun
Red bean paste
Yums. Same great skin and the red bean paste was good too!

Big chicken bun

Wah. The chicken. Wah. Slurps. Hehs. Woah. LOL! And I ate it when it was really super hot! Juicy juciy chicken! But I'm upset because I wish that the skin is a little thicker. Haha.

I found egg inside! Hehs.
I didn't get to try the lotus paste which is one of my favourite bun. Another time!

I've just labeled this place as the place that sells my favourite bun in Singapore. Haha. Not every shop is able to be labeled this ok?! Hahaha. Even Lotus also like the bun! She can finish A LOT!! Hahaha.

My mama had already placed ordered with me because I'll be going back that place 2 more times in near future. Haha. I cannot wait to buy them too! Hohohohohoho! I'm so willing to sacrifice my fiber rich breakfast for these yummy buns. Hahaha.

And oh, I have no idea how much it cost because I was not the one who bought them in the first place. Hehs. And my parents don't remember the price too. I shall find it out soon enough!

Address: 1365 Serangoon Road Singapore 328244

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