Saturday, September 11, 2010

Udders Ice Cream

Hohoho. Nothing beats ice cream in hot and sunny Singapore. Right? LOL! And ice cream is also a kind of mood lifter. But because ice cream is so loaded with calories, we should not waste our calories on normal ice creams, right? Hahaha.

I welcome the invitation to Udders ice cream! Wooohoo! Do you know that it is actually a Singapore brand? Hehs. Most of our ice cream shops are from all over the world ba.

I have to pose under it! Haha.
The deco of the shop is rather simple. Haha. Just a few chairs and it's always filled. Not very tastefully decorated at the counter. But because of a personal touch to it by the customers, I think it's rather cosy and welcoming. Haha. I love chalkboards!

Not nicely taken. Boo. =(
They offer quite a range of flavors!

Seriously, will we smell of durian when we burp?

Yum yum. Thank god we have 6 people. This means, we can share 6 different flavors! Wooohoo!

You don't call me a glutton for nothing. Haha.
So, we tried mango, chocolate, hazelnut, orange chocolate, tiramisu and snickers bar.

Mango and snicker bar.
Hazelnut and chocolate
 Final verdict. I like the ice cream because the texture is so smooth! I don't really get this soft texture with most of the ice cream I've tried so far. Not even the big brands with loads of chains. Flavor wise was pretty strong. You can really taste the things that's supposed to be in your ice cream. For example, the tiramisu tasted almost like the cake! Coffee coffee and coffee. LOL!

I love the mango sorbet because of the refreshing taste. It's really good. All thumbs up by 6 of us! Haha. And the hazelnut too! You can find the hazelnut biscuits inside it. Woohoo! And I'm the only one who fancy the orange chocolate because I'm a great fan of orange chocolates in the first place. Haha. But everyone's complaining of the strong alcohol taste that I did not managed to capture. *Hmmmmmm* As for the rest of the flavors, I felt that it's just, ice cream lo..

Hehs. It is true that they offer a lot of special flavors that most ice cream shops does not offer. However, I felt that those that they offer tasted (flavor wise) pretty similar to some of the big shots around.

What won my heart is only the texture of the ice cream (very very very important in the food I like!) and perhaps the large range of flavors ba. But still, good job done. I'll still visit it again when I feel like eating ice cream.

Address: Here!

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