Saturday, September 18, 2010

Duck Rice at Holland Market

I love going to the Holland Market for lunch when I'm free! That's because I can save quite a bit of lunch money. In addition, I can get better hawker food! Wooohooo!

One of my favorite stalls there have to be the duck rice stall. You will notice that many of the tables have red plates/bowls on their tables. Well, that's because, a lot of people actually order from them! There's always a looooong queue. Well, not a visible queue because they offer to bring the dishes to you instead. And you will know there is a loooooong queue because we have to wait exceptionally looooong for the food and that you will see a lot of 'waiting numbers' at the stall itself.

I love the kway chap, but maybe we should leave this to another time. Let's talk about the duck rice first.

The last time we went there, we ordered half a duck with several other side dishes since we have a party of 4. Well, inclusive of 5 rice and a lot of soup, it only cost us $19.60 (if I did not remember wrongly).

Well, braised egg is always a must for me when I order duck rice most of the time. Haha. I love it despite the fact that I usually leave the yolk out. Haha. They all taste the same to me, so I have no much comments about it. But I love the eggs with darker colors. The ones that my mama braised at home is usually very lightly colored. LOL.

Ok, that aside, the main thing is our duckie!

Ok, the presentation may not be very pretty (oh come on, what do you really expect from hawker centers?!). BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT! Once you taste it, you'll realize that the meat is pretty tender. I like I like! I've recommended a few friends to try it and they also felt the same thing. WOOHOO! Yums.

And what's more, I love the rice (sorry, I forgot to take a photo of it. LOL!). Rice grains itself is pretty normal I think. But they spread a gravy on top of the rice to make it taste really nice. Well, I personally like to have gravy or soup over my rice. And that's why it's my cup of tea. SO! If you like dry rice, I guess, you may not enjoy it ba.

Yum yums!

And well, when I eat alone, I will tend to order a plate with an egg. That's about $2.80 if I did not remember wrongly. WHERE CAN YOU FIND SUCH CHEAP FOOD NOWADAYS?! Haha.

Nearest MRT: Buona Vista Station
Direction: Walk out of the station and cross the road somehow. Walk towards the market. The hawker center is at level 2. There should be only one stall selling duck rice and kway chap.

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