Saturday, September 25, 2010

Teck Kee Buns II

Went back to my favorite bun place the other day! Yum yum!

You know, I was trying hard to look for their signboard so that I can take a photo of it, I was unable to do so! Hahaha! Hmmmmm. So, I took this instead. (But the man told me that the signboard is outside the building after I complained to him. So, look out for the signboard outside the building then. Hehs.)

Look at their buns! This is so Singaporean! Hehs. I loveee it!

It's actually my first time visiting the shop, so I was so excited when I saw the old looking kitchen of theirs. I have a fetish for old shops you see.

And they have this mirror that I cannot fathom the use of. To, expand the visual space of the shop? Haha. No idea. But well, it gave us a chance to look at our hair/camwhore while waiting for our orders though.

So, since we are back with a growling stomach (due to not eating much the whole day), we grabbed a bun each (ok, I grabbed 2). Haha. Ate them right on the spot (well, almost!).

As usual, the buns were heavenly to me, but 'it's-just-another-bun' to the man. Haha. You seriously don't see our Lotus going after all the buns we buy! But she remembered clearly that this place sells nice buns. The moment we alight from the bus, she told us to buy the buns immediately! And after finishing the big pork bun, she was still yearning for more. Well, so I have no choice but to share my lotus bun with her. Haha. (We love flour related products. Hahaha!)

Look at the Lotus paste. Yum yum. I love the fact that it's not too sweet and not too not sweet for me (?). Hahahahaha!

Another look at my lotus bun under different lighting. Haha.

Ok, I guess I had reviewed about a few buns the other time. I still want to erm, show you some more buns photos. Haha. (You know, my camera just came back from coma, so, I have to snap snap snap and snap!)

Char siew bun
Red bean paste bun

Insides of the red bean paste bun
I was trying so hard to decided which is my favouritest bun. I simply could not do it.

Char siew bun is nice because of the meat inside. But I felt that the bun skin is nicer for the lotus paste and the red bean paste. But the lotus paste and the red bean paste are pastes, so they should not be compared with the meat. (Well, I like all 3 you see.)

So, since it's not too big and not too expensive, when my mama asked me what I would like to have, I told her I want all 3 of them. Hahahahaha! =D

Till the next time I eat them again! WooOooHoooO!

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