Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chocolat N` Spice II


I had an entry on the muffins from the Chocolat N` Spice some time back. But I have to do another entry! Because, I just bought MORE MUFFINS from there!

But before we move on to the muffins, I have to complain a little about finding this shop. Okay, it was my bad that I had assumed things. Haha. Well, the address says Tanjong Pagar Plaza. So, after staying in Singapore for so long, I've already grown to assume that something something plaza means a shopping center that's air conditioned. God. No. I went to the wrong building. Haha.

Next, after finally realizing my mistake, I followed the trail of the people holding the plastic bag from choc and spice (Yesh, there's quite a few people who bought the muffins back to the office.). I end up at the neighborhood place. WHAT?!! You call this a plaza?! Ok fine. I end up walking the wrong direction. After drenching myself in sweat, I found out that, okay, I'm at block 7 and the place is at block 1. !!!!

So, please get the address of the Tanjong Pagar Branch properly! Take the train to Tanjong Pagar and then exit from the exit to the plaza. And walk towards the old old neighborhood kinda structure. And then, blk 1 is towards your left. Haha. DO NOT WALK TO THE RIGHT! Lol!
Blk 1 Tanjong Pagar Plaza #01-18

Ok, enough said.

Well, the first time I tried the muffins, it was bought by Ailin. So I had absolutely no idea what I would expect at the place itself! Haha. When I FINALLY found the place, I was so amazed! It was just a small little shop that is mainly set up for baking. And the people take our muffins right down from the racks (this means it's freshly baked!) and into our boxes. No wonder there's a such a long queue waiting for their muffins!! Woohoo! (Oh, a thing to note is that the queue should be the longest around lunch hours as people buy the muffins back for coffee break! Lol!)

I seriously did not want to buy a lot. But I was really very frustrated by the sweat I have, I bought 10 in the end. =D Most of the muffins cost $1.20. I think it's pretty cheap compared to the other muffins you find around Singapore and which did not taste half as nice.

This time round, I tried other flavors! I bought blueberry.

The texture of the muffin is the selling point of the muffin. Haha. It's so soft and smooth. *Salivate* And another thing that had me hooked was that they put the right amount of ingredients inside the muffin. Too much of the ingredients will make you feel that you are not eating the muffins, and too little will make you yearn for more! Haha. Look at the blueberry! (I admit, I took the side with most berries. Hahaha!)

Another thing that I had realized was that, the cup of the muffins can come off really easily. Haha. Ok, it's a plus point to me (and maybe just me). I love to take off the cup first so that I can bite into the muffins directly! Haha! See how neat the peel off of the cup is. Haha.

I also tried the orange peel with raisins (and almonds).

Initially when I open up the muffin, I was thinking, oh, the ingredients are pretty little huh?

I swallowed my words the moment I bite into the muffins with that orange peel. Haha. The taste will stay in your mouth for a while, at least until you bite into the next orange peel. Do you understand what I am saying about the muffins having the right amount of ingredients? If it had loaded more orange peel in, the entire muffin will be destroyed with too much of the orange taste! Haha. Yums!

The first muffin I tried was the banana and walnut muffin. I was totally blown over by it. =D

Don't be deceived by the plain look. I was really amazed when I started eating it. There's alot of banana inside! And the crunchiness of the walnut just perfected the taste. Woohoo! Erm, no photos of the inside because I had no hands to take photo of the first one I ate, and I have no idea who ate the second one. Haha. This is one of my top top flavorite! =D

And I also bought coconut, pumpkin and cheese. I have no idea who ate which and when they ate it and no one gave me reviews over it. So, next time! Haha. They actually have 18-19 flavors all together I think.

And of course, I did not forget about buying the chocolate chips and the double chocolates that will never ever go wrong. YUMS! You can be sure it's nice because even dear's mummy says it is. LOL! And that my muffins are missing one by one without me knowing it. Lol. And of course, because my dear says so too. The chocolates that melt in your mouth. Wah. My god. Slurps. I prefer double chocolates over the chocolate chips. Hehs. The chocolates. OMG! (The reason why I am having a sore throat now. BOO!)

Anyway, the opening hours are from 930 to 530 on weekdays and it closes at 230 on Saturday and it is not opened on Sunday. You can also visit the Shunfu road stall. It's at the hawker center.

This is really the best muffin in Singapore. =D

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