Monday, August 23, 2010

I must be living a second life now.

I had a drastic change in diet. Like a serious drastic change. One month ago, you probably would never ever imagine that I will eat it. And one month later, I'm enjoying it like I've never before. And I even questioned myself, why do I not eat these once upon a time. Haha.

First and foremost, vegetables. It has high fiber content and is good against diseases and also lowers blood pressure.


You can probably count the types of vegetables I eat last time. Long beans, french beans and spinach? The remaining vegetables is a serious no-no to me. You have to force me to eat it. And I would still refuse to eat it. But after hearing stories about what vegetables can help to have a healthy gut (I was that desperate to improve my gut's health), I forced broccoli and cauliflower down my throat. First impression was 'A! It's quite nice leh.' Mission number 2 was to start eating all the leafy vegetables that mama always cook. Mission number 3. I like all the coriander and spring onions now. Hmmm.. I'm now finishing like half of the plate of the vegetables all the time. And she told me she HAVE to cook MORE vegetables just because of me. LOL! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! I must be living a second life now! Haha. My mama is still very amazed with me. Hehs.

Oh, I have no problems with bean sprouts and lettuces and many more now. But I still cannot accept the taste of raw tomatoes (but I love tomato sauce) and capsicum and cucumbers. Hehs. I tried. I really did. I hope I can overcome it soon. Haha. They seem pretty nutritious to me.

Next, brown rice. This just occur to me because I was looking for high fiber food.


I never really said no to it, but my mama will turn her nose to it. So, I seldom or never eat them. But because it still retained most of the shells of the rice, the fiber content and the nutrient content is so much higher than the usual white rice that we eat, I insisted on buying the multigrain brown rice home. Haha. Mama mix a little bit into the white rice, but I would cook it myself for lunch when I planned to bring rice to work. I thought it tasted better than white rice. =D

© HPB Singapore

Wholemeal breads. High in fiber too! The difference between wholemeal and white bread is the wheat flour again. Similar to brown rice, the wholemeal wheat uses the whole grain (refined products only contain the inner germ layer). So, the outer fiber rich bran will still be present! Which equates to a lot of B-vitamins, minerals, protein and phytochemicals readily available! Whole grain food had been linked to many diseases like heart diseases and cancer (colon cancer especially!). So, we have to consume as much whole grain food as possible!

© HPB Singapore

But my top favourite is currently bonjour's wholemeal bread. It has extra 100g of bread orh! That made it extra long. Haha. And I love to steam it (I have to because I refrigerate the loaf to ensure the freshness). The bread will be SO SOFT~ Argh.. I'm yearning for it now.. (Haha. Currently my food cravings had been the soft soft bread or fruits. Haha! And that's my motivation to sleep earlier and wake up earlier so I can eat them faster. Call me a glutton. Yes I am. LOL!) Anyway, I just bought wholemeat pasta not too long ago. LOL! Call me a wholemeal addict. Hahahahahahahaha!

Digestive biscuits. Haha.

I have no idea why I had not been eating this biscuit since long time ago. I'm a great fan of biscuits you know? I thought it tasted really nice! Haha. You can always find me with digestive biscuits in my bag because I use this as the cure against sudden hunger pangs. Haha. Each biscuits is around 70 kcal though. I've been trying not to consume too much of it. Haha. I've already given up buying other cookies/biscuits, unless they are high in fiber.

Like, this! Currently the offer is $1.90 per box. Haha. Each box contains 7 packs of 3. LOL! *I feel so auntie* But original price is $2.20, so, no worries. Each pack is around 145 kcal, so they recommend not to exceed 2 packs per day. Haha.

Cereals are good too! I just bought banana nut crunch from post today. It has the highest fiber content per serving. LOL!

Last but not least, fruits! I love fruits ever since I was born ba. What I eat and like usually revolves around the common fruits that you can purchase easily, or mama can buy them easily. But currently, I have new favorite fruits!

First one is blueberries! It's one of the power fruits around! Don't underestimate its tiny size! It contains high amounts of anti-oxidants (important for good complexion? Haha. And against cancer of course. Since it neutralizes the harmful oxidants in our body.) It has high vitamin c as well as fiber too. (Calorie content is low too!) Hehs. Good for cardio and our eyes! And I read somewhere that is's good for gastric too. Lowers peptic ulcers chances! Wooooo. I love it. Oh, other berries are good too! Cranberries, strawberries!

And why is that I only started it was because, mama never buys them. And, it's very expensive as compared to other fruits. But after going to Giant, my view has changed. Haha. Currently, I realized that the place that sells the cheapest blueberries around has to be Giant! Haha! It's around $2 for a box. The price can hike up to $3-$6 depending on the supermarket you go to! Craziness. But ya, I only buy them when I go Giant. Haha! I haven check Careforre though. Hehs.

Another one is the prunes. My mama keeeeeeep asking me to eat them but I find them too sweet for my liking. But, I dunno why, I sudden took an interest to it recently. Hehs. It must be because of mindset problem. Haha.

Antioxidants level is even higher than the blueberries! Fiber content is also higher than the blueberries. Plus calcium and copper (?). Hahaha. Which means, it's better than blueberries hor? Haha.

I always like bananas. But it had never helped in gut motion for me. ;( But that did not stop me from liking this fruit. Haha. The sweet taste and texture is perfect. Oh, top it up with nutella maybe? Ohhh... Haha. Well, other than high fiber content, bananas also have high potassium and low sodium content. Good for our heart! Haha. The yellow really appeals to me. But once the bright yellow is gone, it would lose the appeal le.. Hehs.


Papaya is good for us! Good for cardiac as well as gut health. Woooo. You will often see papaya in my lunchbox most of the time! =D The color attracts me too. And I love the juice and the taste of the papaya. But I bet it tasted wierd to some other people. Hehs. My papa love it and will always want to make me eat it. Lol. I haven't been eating so much papaya in my entire life before. I'm so serious! Haha.


Kiwi is also my favourite now. I like to just cut it into 2 and then scoop it with a spoon. Hassle free. And I feel that it would retain its freshness more than when it's skinned ba. Hehs. They are high in vitamins and fiber and antioxidants. Something that I've learned today is that kiwi is also good against wheezing cough (it is not just because of the vitamins. there's unknown compounds in the kiwi that did it.)

Had zesperi dominated the kiwi market in Singapore? They seem to be the only ones around. Hehs. The golden kiwis are really nice (and expensive as well)! Sweet and juicy. The green ones are not too bad too. But it should be sour to some people ba. Lol. NTUC having offer now. 8 kiwis for just $4.95 I think. I forgot the price (even though I just bought it today!).

I realized that fruits like apples, oranges and guava are not that often found in my diet anymore. They are good of course, but I chose the new fruits to target what I want to improve on. Lol. And I really enjoy softer fruits more than these hard hard fruits now. Hehs. My teeth must be dropping le la. LOL!

You should see how much fruits I have each day. LOL. Instead of snacking away, I'm always fruiting away in the office. Lol. And that's another reason why is my bag so heavy in the morning! Fruits are really heavy man! Gosh!! And I realized fruits are seriously contributing a lot of calories to my daily diet! LOL!


I realized I don't like meat as much as not too long ago anymore. Haha. I found myself eating vegetables and vegetables and sometimes fish during dinner. I don't pick up the meat as much as before anymore. Muahahaha! I am really in my second life now right? I would love to see the man doing this. The world maybe coming to an end at that point of time. Haha.

It does feel good that I know that the food that I love so much nowadays is really good for my health. Haha. It gave me more excuses to eat them. LOL! But of course of course of course, I have been trying to watch my calorie intake. Hehs. I've been starting to exercise all over again. I am really very very determined not to keep popping medicine down my gut. I'm sure natural measures will be good! Well, it have sorta helped I guess. I use to have gut motion once every week (terrible right?). It improved to everyday or once every 2 days. It helped right? =D

Healthy living starts from healthy eating and exercising. I hope I can slim down at the same time too. Hehs. =D =D =D And I hope by buying these, my family (especially mama!!! she still refuses!!) would start eating them too. I want everyone to be healthy, not by eating supplements, but by doing the natural way round!

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